First Canada and perhaps another nation state in North America could choose to legalize marijuana.  Could America be next?  The country of Mexico could become the largest legalized weed market in the world, says Forbes.  America could be the drug free country wedged between to nation states that allow weed to be sold for fun.  If you believe Joe Biden, America could eventually legalize the weed at the federal level.  Currently, marijuana is legal in some states, but illegal federally.  Idaho continues to be one of the proud drug free states.

Mexico would be the largest country per population to legalize the weed.  Several experts believe that there is a 'global economic' effort to make cannabis available to the masses.   The U.S. could soon be sandwiched between two countries with federally legalized marijuana. The United States House of Representatives passed bills to make marijuana legal.  However, the bills were never looked at in the United States Senate.

Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, have said that they will legalize the weed if elected.  Biden would have to do that through executive order since the Republicans control the Senate.  However, if the GOP would lose the two seats in Georgia, the Democrats would have complete control and could legalize the weed.

Forbes breaks down what has to happen in Mexico for the weed to become legal for recreational use:

'A few steps remain to federally legalize marijuana in Mexico, but the bill has been approved by the Mexican Senate. The bill will establish a regulated cannabis market to allow those eighteen and older to purchase and possess up to 28 grams of marijuana. It also allows a personal cultivation provision for individuals to cultivate up to four plants for personal use. Some technical requirements still need to be hammered out before outright passage, including whether or not personal use cultivation needs to be tracked by the government.'

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