Do You Want Idaho To Use The Firing Squad on Convicted Killers?
This year's edition of the Idaho Legislature is the only element that seems to have surpassed our unpredictable winter weather. So far, Idaho's elected body has debated drag queens, library books, and school vouchers. We hope the elimination of the state's grocery tax and real property tax relief happens before the end of this session.
However, not to be outdone by the drag queens, the House Judiciary, Rules and Administration Committee voted 13-3 to send a bill to the full House allowing convicted Idaho killers to be put to death by firing squad.
Lawmakers say the state can't execute inmates by lethal injection because the drugs have become unavailable. The Idaho Press details what the bill would do if it became law.
The bill allows the use of the firing squad when lethal injection is not available. It does not outline how many guns or what type of guns would be used in an execution. That responsibility would be left to the IDOC director, who is hired by the Board of Correction. Board of Correction members are appointed by the governor.
A few states do not use lethal injection as a means of execution. Thirty-one states and the federal government use lethal injection. Eight states use electrocution. Eleven states use deadly gas or the gas chamber. Three states hang convicted killers. Three states use the firing squad.
Some believe the state would have to build a 'death facility' while other proponents tell us that Idaho has plenty of open desert space that would be perfect for a firing squad.
What do you think? Should Idaho replace lethal injection with the firing squad? Vote on our exclusive poll below.