Should Idaho Pursue This Law To Save The Service Industry?
There has been a lot of discussion regarding the change to fast-food worker wages in California that began this month. In case you missed it, fast food workers in California will now earn a minimum wage of $20 an hour.
Some feel that this might help the employees keeping the fast-food industry afloat earn a living wage so they can continue to work in the industry.
Others feel that the fast-food industry entry-level positions aren't intended to be long-term career options. Regardless of how you feel, it's clear something has to change for service industry workers who can't earn a living wage but also, something that won't negatively impact a business.
Is the solution right in front of us?
What if raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour isn't the solution after all? We've already heard of stories about businesses in California being forced to close or go through massive layoffs just to cover the cost of the wage increase.
Rather, what if the solution falls on those keeping these businesses alive... the patrons?
We're talking about mandatory tipping and while the word "mandatory" typically has a negative connotation, what if this is the solution we needed all along? It could take away the cost from the business owner and could be more of a "service fee" than a tipping fee... but one that would go to the workers themselves.
READ MORE: The End Of California Fast Food Workers Begins
Now, just to be clear for those who might be worried or triggered by the idea: this is not a law or bill that is being voted on.
It's simply an idea and one that very well could save the fast-food industry... or would it hurt it more?
Let's look at the pros and cons then share your thoughts with us here!
Would A Mandatory Tipping Law Save Idaho's Servers?
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