KIDO Talk Radio has added the awarded winning and West Coast Based Lars Larson Show to its programming lineup. Lars will follow Sean Hannity from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.weeknights.I've known Lars for years and I'm excited about what he'll bring to KIDO Talk Radio. He's based in Portland, Oregon, but fear not. He's all about Conservative Values and the Second Amendment. Every night after Sean, you'll hear Lars interviewing the most important national and regional guests.
Recently Lars was a guest at the White House, where he interviewed President Trump and several of his cabinet members. This was not his first trip to the White House. I met Lars many years ago at the White House Christmas Party during the Bush Administration. He was kind enough to show my mom where the presidential residence was located.
Over the years, I've had the chance to have Lars on our Treasure Valley Morning Show. We'll make every effort to get his perspective, both Northwest and National, weekly during the morning show.
I invite you to check out Lars and make night time, the right time, on KIDO Talk Radio.