Boise Mayor Lauren McLean spoke to the Washington Post, discussing climate issues and the 'Boise way.' The mayor talked to the Washington Post's Frances Stead Sellers on a Post Live cast on social media. The interview was part of the Washington Post's series 'This is Climate.'

Mayor McLean touted her initiatives to force the city to become carbon neutral. “This really forms the foundation from which we believe our economy will be resilient and our residents in the future will have opportunity. Citywide, our goals are to be carbon neutral by 2050. Our municipal goals are to be carbon neutral by 2035. So, we’re taking those steps as a city government, we’re learning from them and then we’ll figure out how best to do it citywide.”



Boise Mayor's Big Moments Exposed

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However, the mayor did not address the reaction by most folks that do not share her carbon views. She did brag about her 'tree planting initiative.'  “This really forms the foundation from which we believe our economy will be resilient and our residents in the future will have opportunity. Citywide, our goals are to be carbon neutral by 2050. Our municipal goals are to be carbon neutral by 2035. So, we’re taking those steps as a city government, we’re learning from them and then we’ll figure out how best to do it citywide.”   


The Takeaway

  The Boise mayor still needs to address the challenges she currently faces involving replacing the police chief she hired and two city council members. We suggest that the mayor make herself as available to local media as she has to the Washington Post.    


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