I swear there are multiple teacher appreciation holidays throughout the year (definitely not mad at it. Teachers deserve all the praise), and October 5th marks one of them. It's World Teacher's Day, a day to celebrate and show gratitude for the teachers in your life. The Treasure Valley is full of incredible teachers who have either impacted us or are helping impact the lives of our children. Of course we want to give them all the praise. But this isn't their first rodeo when it comes to an appreciation day or week, and it's time we be clear on what appreciation teachers actually appreciate.

** Treasure Valley Teachers Were Consulted But Wished To Remain Anonymous**

Gifts To Make A Boise Area Teacher Feel Appreciated

Family Fun in the Treasure Valley from A-Z

One of the greatest parts about living in Boise is there's never a shortage of things to do with the family! Here's a great A to Z guide of things to check out.

Treasure Valley Trunk-Or-Treat Guide 2021

Spooky Season is here and before you know it, the kids will be dressed up in their costumes and on the hunt for their favorite sweets! This is a round up of Trunk-Or-Treat events currently set for this Halloween season! Click the event for more details about what they have planned. Some have costumed contests. Others have adoptable pets in costume. If you're hosting one and would like to be added to our list click HERE.

8 Popular Halloween Costume Ideas for Boise Kids

The hottest kids' costumes this year will be based on movies and video games, so you'll be seeing these at your doorstep on Sunday, October 31. Now, to decide what kind of candy to pass out...

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