Crazy Driving Stories
Is the state of Idaho unique when it comes to 'road rage, crazy drivers, and other frustrating factors that impact our morning and afternoon commutes. If you think we have issues here, check out these two crazy stories from across the country.A Minneapolis driver has been cited after police spotted him using the HOV lane with an extremely malnourished passenger. A rep for the Minnesota State Patrol says the unidentified motorist was using an Interstate 35E MnPASS carpool lane, which is designated for drivers with at least one passenger in the vehicle, with a full-sized skeleton in the back seat.
The bony passenger was wearing a purple hoodie sweatshirt."This motorist thought dressing up a skeleton would be a good way to illegally use the MnPASS carpool lane," the State Patrol posted on Facebook. "Guess what? Only human passengers qualify."
At least she wasn't speeding, check out this genius. A Florida man has been charged with reckless driving -- for not driving.Lakeland resident Leonard Olsen, 70, was taken into custody after an off-duty sheriff's deputy saw him flying down Interstate 4 at 100 miles per hour ... while sitting on the roof of his car.
By the time on-duty cops stopped him, Olsen was back in the driver's seat and claimed he "didn't know about" riding on the roof, according to his arrest report.Olsen then told deputies he wanted to turn himself in because his "wife treats me like a servant and she's the mistress," adding he'd "rather go to jail than go back home," the report indicates. He got his wish.
Once he was in custody, Olsen 'fessed up to the rooftop driving, saying he'd engaged the car's cruise control and climbed through the sunroof. "I thought it would be a nice way to praise God for a minute, and I thought it would be nice at the time," he said. "And that's what I did."
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