How Sean Hannity Became The Most Influential Man in Media
What's it like inside the world of Sean Hannity? Check out this profile and find out what makes the Treasure Valley's Conservative Host tick. Sean Hannity is juggling two jobs, two networks and family responsibilities according to a huge profile in the New York Times. In the article it details Sean's first job as a talk show host at WVNN in Huntsville, Alabama. ( I worked at WVNN several years after Sean and he's always been a friend and a mentor to me.)
The Times takes a look at Sean's friendship with President Trump and how it developed over the years. Newt Gingrich reveals the two best ways to get the president's attention is 'Fox & Friends' and Hannity.'
Sean details the differences between three hours of live radio and an one of hour television. It's a insightful look at how someone is so passionate and successful in the demanding field of national media.
The article recalls the early years of Fox News and the launch of Hannity & Colmes. Sean and only two other anchors are all that's left from the original Fox Lineup from its debut in 1997. Hannity's passion for getting to the truth attracted viewers to the fledgling network.
What's next for Sean? He plans to continue working and entertaining listeners for many more years to come. He credits his parents for his work ethic and values.
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