Kevin Miller Friday Morning
Kevin Miller quickly looks at the resignation of Katleen Sebelius, the coming arrest of Lois Lerner and the Eric Holder 'hey buddy' comments. Kevin then examines and takes calls on the Bundy Ranch verses the BLM standoff in Nevada.
Kevin Miller looks at the local levy issue in Kuna. He is joined by the friends of Kuna group. They discuss funding of education locally and throughout the Gem State. The group details their plans to pass a levy for funding the Kuna Schools.
Kevin Miller discusses the future of home mortgages, the Bundy ranch situation, and Kathleen Sebeluis leaving her post as the secretary of health and human services. Kevin Miller looks at Stephen Colbert replacing David Letterman.
Kevin Miller is joined by Tim Pagliara, Chairman, Founder and CEO of CapWealth Advisor. They discuss the Crapo/Johnson bill that would impact how you finance your home. The future of the thirty year mortgage is discussed if the bill is passed.
Kevin Miller details the latest details about the Bundy Ranch in Nevada. He shares a an interview with Mr. Bundy and Sean Hannity. Kevin Miller interviews Tom Munds on the power of the federal government verses the states.
Kevin Miller is joined by the minimalists Ryan Nicodemus and Joshua Millburn. They discuss their successful books and their de-cluttering lifestyle. The minimalist disclose that Boise was their second pick for their headquarters.
Kevin Miller and Dave discuss the Nevada standoff situation. They debate whether or not the law was broken and states rights verses the Federal Government. Kevin Miller and Dave discuss Stephen Colbert replacing David Letterman.