Labrador Pushes For Term Limits
Congressman Raul Labrador has long been a fan of term limits. He's now introduced a constitutional amendment that would limit how much time congressmen and senators can serve in Washington DC.
Labrador’s H.J. Res. 50 was introduced in the House on Tuesday and has 12 original cosponsors. The resolution would amend the Constitution to limit service to six two-year House terms and two six-year Senate terms.
“The American people spoke clearly in November,” Labrador said. “They demand a government that is their servant, not their master. To restore constitutional balance, we must bring the career politicians home and replace them with patriots ready to make the hard choices necessary for prudent governance.
“The Founding Fathers expected elected officials to serve temporarily and return to their communities,” Labrador continued. “I went to Washington for public service, not a career. Term limits would reinvigorate Congress by attracting candidates ready to serve and prepared to go home to live with the consequences of their actions.”
President Donald Trump put congressional term limits at the top of his “Contract with the American Voter” list for action in the first 100 days. Said Labrador, “We must seize the moment and put a term limits amendment before the states for ratification.”