Miller’s Mission Day 3
2020 is the ninth consecutive year that we've had the opportunity to partner with the Boise Rescue Mission to raise money, turkeys, and other items to help Treasure Valley Families.We're currently in day 3 of this year's campaign. A huge thank you to all who've traveled to our Nampa home at the Wal Mart on Garrity and Franklin. I really admire the staff who make it their life's work to help bring back folks from drug addiction.
The New Life Program has helped so many beat the addiction of methamphetamine. Whether it's because of Covid or times have changed, it seems that our focus on meth addiction has waned. I haven't seen an ad for the Idaho Meth Project. The Gem State has had such a crisis that television and radio ads were distributed to send the strong message of how bad meth addiction kills.
Today we met two young ladies that are recovering from meth addictions. Tracy shared her story about being rejected twice by the Mission. She knew that getting into the New Life Program would be her only hope of not going to prison. Tracy is now in the program and drug free. She left an abusive relationship and is a published author.
Miram is a young mother who was living on the streets of Boise. Last year, she didn't have a warm meal at Thanksgiving. She now is looking forward to seeing her son because of her commitment to getting clean. We look forward to continuing to watch the growing list of success stories thanks to your prayers and donations.