Police Get Serious About Aggressive Driving in Idaho
There's a menace that continues to haunt commuters in Idaho. There are many names for it. Aggressive driving, tailgating, non-verbal signals are just a few of the challenges when driving on Gem State Roads. The Idaho State Police and other law enforcement agencies would like those antics to stop. They've implemented a statewide education and enforcement plan that starts today till February 15th. Extra patrols will be on the streets to punish aggressive drivers.
"If you drive, you've seen aggressive driving. Sadly, many of us know someone who's been in a crash due to aggressive driving, " said Lt. Michael Winans in a release from ISP. He continued, "whether it's speeding, "red-light running, or other dangerous behavior, if our enforcement efforts can educate and motivate drivers to avoid aggressive driving, we know we can save lives."
We all know the signs of aggressive driving, but here's a refresher course of the most prevalent in Idaho:
Speeding too fast or driving too fast for conditions
Ignoring Traffic Signals
Weaving in and out of traffic, improper lane changes
Passing on the shoulder
Making rude hand or facial gestures, screaming, honking, flashing lights in an aggressive manner.
ISP recommends that you call 911 to report an aggressive driver. They'd like you to provide the dispatcher your location, a description of the involved vehicle, including, if possible, a license plate.
If more people would treat people like they'd like to be treated on and off the roads, we'd avoid having to have campaigns such as this one.
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