The Face of Evil
Timmy Earl Kinner faces charges of first-degree murder, eight counts of aggravated battery, and enhancement for the use of a deadly weapon in the commission of a crime. People around Idaho and the world are wondering how could this monster attack so many innocent children.As police and others try to find a motive for the horrific crimes that Kinner is accused of, sometimes there is no explanation. Evil is evil. It's easy for this scribe to write about it's how to react to evil that matters, however try telling that to the parents whose children will never be the same. Or who lost a beautiful three-year-old little girl who was celebrating her birthday.
Kinner has an extensive criminal past. The Idaho Statesman details his years of assault, possession of firearms, marijuana possession, violating release conditions, and the list goes on and on.
The following video from channel 7 is worth watching if you're wondering if Kinner showed any remorse for the crimes he's accused of committing.
Thousands showed up in downtown Boise Monday afternoon to show the world that Idaho is a state of unconditional love. Rallies don't stop crime. Good community policing and partnering with law enforcement can save lives.
It is now up to the professionals in the criminal justice system to show Kinner and others that they will be punished for their crimes.