There's always some unique bill from the Idaho Legislature that captivates not only Idahoans but the nation. Idahoans pride themselves on limited government and the freedom to live like many did before big government took over the rest of America.

Grocery prices have risen dramatically since Joe Biden took office. The price of eggs has hit an all-time high recently, as reported here. How high have egg prices gotten? Last year, the cost of eggs rose an incredible 58%!

Idahoans are known to be self-reliant when providing for their families. Some folks have decided to raise chickens so they can eat the eggs at a lower cost. However, keeping the chickens safe, healthy, and productive, as well as the cost of feed, are challenges to many.

Can anyone renting or owning a home in Idaho build their own chicken coop? Most folks in the Treasure Valley live in subdivisions controlled by HOAs or homeowner's associations. HOAs are designed to maintain a particular look or standard; however, sometimes, they can be a real pain.


An Idaho senator has proposed a bill allowing Idahoans to raise chickens in their backyards regardless of the HOA's rules. Would you be allowed to raise an unlimited number of chickens?

Senate Bill 1026 says homeowners could raise four chickens per two-tenths of an acre. You can read the entire bill here.

Opponents will say adding live chickens to backyards is a recipe for disaster. Homeowners have challenges dealing with domestic pets adding chickens could mean a move to allow pigs and goats. Do you want to live next to a bunch of pigs and goats?

We'll continue to update you on this story as it develops.

10 tips for anyone who is thinking of getting backyard chickens

They sure are cute little things at the store but before you hand over your credit card and welcome those baby chicks to your home, go over this list of 10 tips.

Gallery Credit: Jessica Williams

Twelve Things Cheaper Than A Dozen Eggs You Can Buy Right Now

All these items you can buy right now for less than the cost of a dozen eggs

Gallery Credit: Nick Northern

The Nutrition Counts of Chicken Sandwiches at 6 Treasure Valley Fast-Food Restaurants

When the craving for a chicken sandwich strikes, the calorie count, sugar load, and fat content may not be the first things that pop into your head. But if you're the disciplined type that can pre-meditate your food choices, it might be fun to figure out which sandwich won't be a diet buster.

Gallery Credit: Jen Austin - TSM Boise

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