Upgrades the People of Boise Are Saying They Want at the Airport
The recent opening of the new Boise Airport East Parking Garage has generated both excitement and discussion among the Boise residents. While the addition of 1,135 new parking spaces has been well-received overall, social media comments on posts by the City of Boise and the Boise Mayor have shed light on community concerns and ideas.
Below is a list of some of the most popular comments and upgrade requests from the community, for not only the Boise Airport, but also the city.
There were comments that touched on broader city issues like homelessness and crime, and in regards to parking issues, there were complaints about not having enough parking in more challenging areas like downtown Boise.
Enhanced public transportation, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, extended cell phone/waiting areas — all among the most popular suggestions in the comments. The common theme of frustrations appear to stem from time-delays and lane blockages when trying to pick someone up from the airport.
Again, the new parking garage has been well-received overall, but there was definitely a lot of community engagement and feedback — which we hope will play a vital role in shaping future enhancements and upgrades. The goal is to ensure that air travel in Boise is not only seamless, but also a positive experience.
Keep reading for a list of 10 upgrades and improvements that need to happen at the Boise Airport, as gathered by community comments and posts.