Yahoo News: “This Idaho is nothing like the Idaho I grew up in,”
Idaho is once again in the national news, and this time it's not a positive depiction of our great state.
However, it is an accurate one courtesy of Yahoo News. The article interviews folks that have been impacted, like all of us, by the recent invasion of new Idahoans due to Covid. We learn that some folks literally were walking through our neighborhoods knocking on doors soliciting homes for $50,000-$150,000 over market prices for homes. They want to live in Idaho and are willing to pay for it.
Bill Rauer, executive director of the Idaho Building Contractors Association, has the quote in the headline. I believe regardless of how long we've lived here, we can all agree with his statement. I've been told that the McCall area is now in the sights of developers. Cabins, homes, and any other dwelling are being bought by investors, Airbnbs, and rental properties. The city now has instituted a size limit on homes because the homes were getting too big.
Trashy Highways?
Have you noticed more litter on the roads than in recent years? We've seen an uprise in graffiti within the Treasure Valley. Table Rock has to move its entrance because of folks not respecting the area using it for their own personal trash cans. Boise has seen both the Lincoln statue and the Anne Frank Memorial being vandalized.
Idahoans say they've seen litter buildup across the roads, trails, and backroads. Our natural recreational sites are one of the reasons people choose to live in the Gem State. More liter impacts wildlife, campers, and hunters. It increases the likelihood of forest fires which we struggle with every year.
Clash of Cultures?
One Idahoan summed up the recent influx of new folks moving in as a 'clash of cultures.' It's not a political divide, but one of urban and rural. Idaho campgrounds are struggling to keep up with the increase of visitors. The trails were designed more for horses and cowboys instead of ATVs and other motorized vehicles. No word if any additional funding will be used to work on the infrastructures of our state park campsites.
Idaho is a resilient state that has caught the interest of the national media. It will be up to us to locally figure out how to deal with our growing pains to maintain our excellent quality of life.