10 Hottest Male Members Of Idaho’s House Of Representatives
Politicians got where they are for a reason. Usually, they're charismatic and charming. They have to be, in order to persuade people and come off likable, relatable, and human. It's one of those careers where your face can actually matter. Thankfully, as a writer and radio host, that doesn't affect me in my work. Politicians have won and lost elections based on their looks. It's credited as one of the reasons that JFK beat Nixon when the TV came around. His face served as a great advantage on television and he was better off for it compared to if he gave the same arguments over the radio.
Throughout the country, there are some beautiful people in politics. There's finally some bi-partisanship when it comes to beauty. You'll find it on both sides of the aisle. The left and the right both have their fair share of good looking representatives. There's certainly no exception for that here in the state of Idaho. Democrats and Republicans, men and women, straight and gay, there are all sorts of beautiful people representing our state.
Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. You should not base your vote based upon looks or general attractiveness. You should focus on the issues. What's their stance on the problems facing society? What solutions would they offer? Those are things that matter. That's what a politician should be elected for. However, that's not the way it happens all the time. I'm not familiar with a lot of Idaho politicians. I couldn't tell you where they stand on these important issues. I wish I did. Maybe one day I'll be able to talk on that matter. What I can do, right now, is make a list of the best looking men and women that make up Idaho's House Of Representatives. One day, we will focus on the pressing problems and seriousness. Today is not that day. Today, we are going to be superficial.
Today, we will be counting down the 10 best looking men in representing the state of Idaho in the House. Next Tuesday, a week from today, please come back as we countdown the 10 best looking women in Idaho's House Of Representatives. If you weren't chosen, it's not personal. If you were chosen, it's not an endorsement. Together, this list can unite the country...well, at least the state. Yeah, together, this list can unite the state of Idaho. Representatives from all different backgrounds and beliefs coming together in attractiveness. Congratulations, Congressmen! Let's start the session.
10 Hottest Male Members Of Idaho's House Of Representatives
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