A Father’s Day Thank You
It's time once again for our annual tribute to fathers, dads, pops, or whatever name we call the father figure in our life. If you believe in popular trends, dads will one day go the way of the dinosaur. I hope that's not the case because we would all be lost without our dads. I have been blessed in my life to have a dad who reminds me of that song, the leader of the band.
The older I get, the more I marvel at his sacrifice, his dedication to his family. I once asked my dad how I could ever repay him for his gifts to me. He replied, "you'll see others that need help, and you'll help them; that's how you thank me, Kev."
Great dads, like great moms, are irreplaceable in our society. I wish we could provide more support for their countless hours of dedicating their lives to their families. The dad works extra and then comes home to play with his kids. The dad is the source of wisdom when one seems lost or looking for direction. A good dad understands that the world is bigger than the moment. His kids are magnets, so every mannerism is watched and mimicked. No one has to tell a dad to be a great role model; they know their role and live it day in and day out without recognition.
They get one day a year to be honored with ties, aftershave, and other items for all the work. Are dads perfect? No, but neither are their kids? However, I do believe they get closer to perfection as we attempt to walk in their shoes. It is truly easier said than done being a dad. I'll always be a kid, which makes me marvel at the dads I've seen in my life.
The single-parent dad raises two girls on his own—the divorced dad never responds to the sniping from his ex-wife. The dad works a job he hates but loves his family, who adore him. There's never been a manual on how to be a good dad. We all know it when we see it. Dads never let their kids down, and in return, we all work on following their legacy.
Whether you are near your dad or not, thank him for his love. We'd be lost without it. So thank you, Dad; I love you.
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