Another State Legalizes Pot
Another state has decided to legalize marijuana despite the weed/drug being deemed illegal by the federal government. In a stunning reversal last week, New Jersey's legislature voted not to go ahead with plans for legalization.
While several states are considering bills to legalize recreational marijuana, Georgia is just getting around to considering making low-potency medical marijuana oil legal.The State Senate on Friday voted 44-8 to pass the proposed law after it was revamped to reduce the number of licenses that would be granted to grow and sell marijuana products.
The normally conservative Peach State is now considered a 'swing state' in the upcoming 2020 election cycle. Last year, Democrat Stacy Abrams came very close to being elected the state's first Democratic Governor in quite some time. Residents are still very concerned about Georgia going to pot, reports WSB Television.
Although a 2015 law allows residents to possess marijuana for medical purposes, it doesn't provide a means for them to purchase it. Critics of the proposed law, as well as its author, Representative Micah Gravley, have voiced concerns that its passage could lead to the legalization of recreational weed.
Georgia's move toward medical marijuana does beg the question, does it seem right that something could be legal in one state and not in another? Should marijuana be legalized on a national level?
Recently a group of Idaho residents have begun a citizen led initiative to legalize medical marijuana on the ballot next Fall.