Army is Wrong to Not Punish Bowe Bergdahl
Today military officials shocked the country by announcing there would be no punishment for Idaho Native Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. The decision comes after Bergdahl was released from captivity after being held for over five years by the Taliban. I guess we don't have to worry about the assertions made by Sgt. Bergdahls defense team that he couldn't get a fair trial from the military. So much for the quote 'kangaroo court' that Sgt. Bergdahl stated to a foreign reporter when describing his case. The message being sent today is that you can leave your post and you will not be held accountable for your actions.
This decision is in stark contrast to the Uniform Code of Military Justice that all members of the military must adhere to if they want to serve honorably. What is the message that the folks at Fort Bragg are sending by not punishing Bergdahl. That it's okay to leave your post? That the people who died or were wounded for the rest of their lives should not have a sense of justice?
What about the terrorists who were released from GITMO in exchange for Sgt. Bergdahl. I'm sure they're not members in good standing with their local chambers of commerce. President Obama's trade made the world a more dangerous place for Americans.
What happens when someone else decides to peace out while on a Forward Operating Base? No harm, no foul? Tell that to the families who are still grieving for their loved ones. We'll never know what Sgt. Bergdahl went through during his years of captivity. Perhaps the authorities reasoned he'd suffered enough.
They're wrong, in my opinion. Bergdahl serving time would've shown everyone that no one, no matter what the circumstances, is above the UCMJ. This decision simply stinks!
Editor's note (I walked from Hayley to Boise in seven days to raise awareness for Bergdahls captivity. We did not know at the time that so many people were looking for him. I would like to personally thank you for all of your support and prayers for his return. Let's hope that the people who sacrificed for his freedom can move on with their lives.
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