Beloved Boise Pastor Banned From Facebook
Social media is a powerful means of communication. In Idaho and across the country, millions, superstars and influencers have used social media platforms to gain wealth, influence, and promote nonprofit causes.
Access to social media has been the subject of congressional investigations over the banning of conservatives and others like President Donald Trump. The CEOs of Facebook, Twitter, and Google have testified before Congress that there is no need for new laws regulating their digital monopolies.
Last year, Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg told Congress that Facebook removes ninety-four percent of hate speech before a human reports it, says the Washington Post article. What is hate speech according to Facebook?
It involves the CEO of the Boise Rescue Mission, the Reverend Bill Roscoe, who has been honored for his decades of serving the poor, homeless, and drug addicts. If you type in Bill Roscoe or Reverend Bill on Facebook, his page will not appear. The Zuckerberg-led monolith has canceled him.
Boise Rescue Mission Bill Roscoe
Reverend Bill told us that he couldn't figure out why his page from Facebook had been removed. "I didn't put any smut on my page. I didn't swear, and I didn't put any untruths on my page," he said. The reverend said the only reasons for his Facebook exile could be his political conviction and faith.
Christain Living Magazine features Reverend Bill as its cover story. Reverend Bill told us that the publisher couldn't post the magazine on Facebook due to his image. He said that the cover 'didn't meet their standards.'
How important is Facebook to Reverend Bill? "I was planning on quitting Facebook for a long time before my friends told me I was out.
Let's hope Facebook reads this article and brings back Reverend Bill. If not, their judgment should be questioned at the highest levels.
Editor's note we didn't put Reverend Bill's photo on the cover to ensure this message wouldn't be censored by Facebook.