California Passes More Crazy Gun Grabbing Laws
They're at it again. Welcome to California, the state where they have to 'voluntarily' shut off your power because they haven't updated their power grid, is grabbing more of your guns. The state has approved 15 more laws to limit your Second Amendment rights. I guess we should expect more people from the once Golden State to move to Idaho. In an attempt to stem gun violence, California Governor Gavin Newsom on Friday signed a number of bills designed to toughen California's gun control laws. "This continues California’s leadership in terms of gun safety," Newsom said while signing the legislation.
"Gun violence is an epidemic in this country, one that’s been inflamed by the inaction of politicians in Washington." Among the 15 bills that were signed into law is SB 61, which prohibits Californians from buying more than one semiautomatic rifle per month and raises the purchase age to 21.
While anti-gun advocates have complained that allowing the purchase of one semiautomatic weapon a month does nothing to curb the problem, those on the other side of the issue believe the opposite is true. "This bill places burdens on law-abiding residents," says NRA spokeswoman Amy Hunter. "It will not make anyone safer." When will these liberal politicians realize that passing more laws will not impact the bad guys who victimize law abiding citizens who want to protect themselves?