Kevin Miller begins the show today by reporting involving a man who was convicted of vehicular manslaughter.  He is appealing the verdict because he says his due process was violated.  Several folks call in to express their opinion on the topic.  Kevin Miller reports on the House of Representatives voting to allow illegal aliens the right to vote.  Treasure Valley residents respond by calling in to disagree with the vote.   Vision Charter School in Nampa is Kevin's school of the day for his Spring edition of "Promote Our Schools - Secure Our Future".  Interviews with staff and students. Other guests today ; 6:35 a.m. - Cassie Smedile of the Republican National Committee.  She and Kevin Miller discuss how radical the House Democrats have pressured Nancy Pelosi to become more liberal. ; 7:10 a.m. - Fox News Radio's Rachel Sutherland reports on the Anti-Semitism resolution in the House.  Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners debating whether or not Idaho should eliminate vanity license plates.  Kevin Miller previews the Idaho House of Representatives debating whether or not work requirements should be added to the Medicaid expansion legislation ; 7:35 a.m. - Rep. Russ Fulcher with a Washington Update ; 8:10 a.m. - Fox News' Jon Decker reports live from the White House.  Kevin Miller takes call from listeners discussing the Canadian Wolves invading Idaho.  Several folks called in urging hunters to shoot the wolves during the upcoming hunting season in the Gem State.

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