Greater Idaho Movement Continues
The movement to create one giant superstate of Greater Idaho continues. Despite most media reports negatively covering the campaign, the group has released more information signaling that the people in Oregon want to become part of the Gem State.
Can you blame them? Sure, we have our issues here; Governor Little will face at least three well-known and funded candidates in the 2022 Idaho Gop Gubernatorial Primary. Still, there is no comparison to Oregon's ultra-liberal Governor Kay Brown. Brown demands mask mandates and show your vaccination papers to get into churches, gyms, and other businesses.
Let's not forget how it seems that every criminal drug has now become legal in Oregon. If you live in central or eastern Oregon, do you have any representation in Portland or Salem? When you have no voice, is it time to move or take the state of Oregon with you?
The group has announced via press release that they've completed their first meeting in Idaho, have the results of a new poll, and a showdown in Cook County, Oregon over the issue.
Poll Results are Inconclusive?
Oregon Values and Beliefs Center’s monthly poll (June 8-14) included three questions relating to the Greater Idaho idea. But rather than refer to the actual Greater Idaho proposal of including all of eastern and southern Oregon into Idaho, OVBC asked about the 7 counties that have already voted in favor of joining Idaho.
The poll showed that there is not a majority in favor or opposed to the concept, because about a fifth of respondents expressed no opinion. Comments from the respondents often mentioned their unfamiliarity with the concept. However, elections in May showed that when rural Oregon voters know that they will have to vote on the issue, and receive campaign literature to educate them on the benefits, and read op-eds about the negatives, they vote 62% in favor, which was the average of the 5 county election results. Citizens for Greater Idaho expects to continue to win elections in rural Oregon in this way.
Mike McCarter, president of Citizens for Greater Idaho, said, “Journalists have been asserting that we don’t have much chance of convincing Oregon to let these counties go. But this poll seems to show that there is not a majority opposed to letting them go. As a new movement introducing a new idea, we feel that’s pretty good. As people learn about the benefits of letting these counties go, their representatives will become more persuadable.” … to read the rest of this press release, visit www.greateridaho.org/poll-of-oregonians-regarding-greater-idaho
Greater Idaho's First Meeting in Idaho
Citizens for Greater Idaho announced that their first Idaho “Meet & Greet” will occur in Boise on Saturday, July 10, 2pm, at Powderhaus Brewing Company. Speakers include Idaho state legislators such as Rep. Barbara Ehardt, and leaders in the movement, such as Mike McCarter and Mark Simmons, former Oregon Speaker of the House.
Cook County Showdown in August
Citizens for Greater Idaho announced that they will be bringing hundreds of citizens to attend the August 4 Crook County Court meeting to confront county commissioners on their reluctance to refer a non-binding advisory question to the November 2021 ballot. Citizens for Greater Idaho’s ballot initiative was not given permission to circulate by the county, so in June Citizens for Greater Idaho began collecting Crook County signatures and email addresses on an unofficial list of proponents. Today Citizens for Greater Idaho announced they already have 1200 email addresses of Crook County citizens who want to vote on the issue, which will be used to invite citizens to the meeting.
A member of the Crook County Court, Judge Seth Crawford, asserted at the April 21 County Court meeting that the Court has no authority to refer a non-binding advisory question to the ballot. Subsequently, the Court had a Portland lawyer, Peter O. Watts, issue a letter listing irrelevant cases to justify this position. However, the letter doesn’t mention the longstanding guidance of the Attorney General of Oregon that all Oregon counties have the authority to refer non-binding advisory questions to county ballots, which was subsequently acknowledged by that lawyer in an email. Indeed, the Douglas County Board of Commissioners referred an advisory question to their November 2020 ballot, as other counties have done earlier.
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