Idaho Republicans Secretly Seek To Transform State To California
The fear of every freedom-loving Idahoan is becoming a reality based on the actions of several republicans during this legislative session. For years and years, Americans have fled California because, of woke, liberal, progressive policies that transformed the once great Conservative state into the liberal cesspool it is today.
The actions of Republican Senators Treg Bernt, Linda Hartgen, Chuck Winder, and Representatives. Judy Boyle, Chenele Dixon, Rod Furniss, Stephanie Mickelsen, Jack Nelson, and Jerald Raymond must be exposed. The Idaho Freedom Foundation reports on the details of their attempts to transform Idaho into California.
While most of our elected officials were at the memorial honoring Governor Batt, these folks decided to "co-sponsored Senate Joint Memorial 101, which calls for the federal government to reform our immigration system. SJM 101 includes an explicit call for amnesty of illegal aliens currently working in the United States."
So these lawmakers are so focused on legalizing illegal aliens that they demand Congress legalize illegals instead of staying in their lane by passing property tax reform? Why haven't these 'public servants' voted to eliminate the grocery tax?
Suppose these lawmakers genuinely believe that Idaho should 'pressure' the federal government to legalize illegal aliens and give them driver's licenses. In that case, they should proudly hold a news conference declaring their love of amnesty.
Here's the phone number at the Statehouse: 208-332-1000, need to find out who is your senator and representative, click the link here. We will continue to update you on this story as it develops.
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