Idahoans Gather to ‘Rally The Vote’ in Meridian [photos]
Elected officials and local, county, and state candidates held the "Rally the Vote" event at Kleiner Park in Meridian. The festive event featured food trucks, candidate campaign booths, and speeches from national political figures.
Idahoans Rally The Vote
Over 1,000 Idahoans clapped, cheered, and jeered throughout the three-hour event. Idaho Second Congressional Candidate Bryan Smith began the night by comparing his record to incumbent Congressmen Mike Simpson. The Second District includes parts of Boise but is primarily made up of eastern Idaho.
Idaho State Representative Dorothy Moon, running for secretary of state, explained how voter integrity is a critical issue in Idaho. She introduced Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers, who brought the house down with her firey endorsement of Dorothy Moon, and Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin, who is challenging incumbent Governor Brad Little. Both of the candidates are Republicans and sought the endorsement of President Donald Trump.
Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin did receive the endorsement from President Trump. There is still time for President Trump to visit Idaho. The president's approval of Ohio Republican Senate Candidate JD Vance helped the first-time candidate win his primary this week. Idaho is one of the few states that President Trump hasn't visited. Although the Gem State did receive two presidential visits from President Obama and already one from President Biden.
Lieutenant Governor McGeachin spoke to the crowd urging them to remember the shutdowns and all the restrictions that were implemented by the state during the first months of the Covid pandemic. Best-selling author Michelle Malkin introduced her.
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