Congressman Bob Barr, retired from Georgia reporting on civil liberties to Kevin Miller.  They discuss the stay at home orders across the country.  Kevin Miller is joined by Greg Pruett, Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, concerning the recent protest at the capitol and the showdown at Meridian City Hall.  Kevin Miller speaks with  Dr.Tommy Alhquist from Crush the Curve Idaho.  Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners providing their predictions on whether the governor will lift the restrictions on working in Idaho.  Kevin Miller covers another story of interest to Treasure Valley listeners.  He speaks about comments Joe Biden made about the upcoming election. Joe Biden believes that President Trump will try to postpone the 2020 election. During a 'virtual fundraiser' on Thursday, the presumptive Democratic nominee said "Mark my words, I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can't be held". Biden said a delayed election is "the only way he thinks he can possibly win". Earlier this month, Biden faced criticism for suggesting that Wisconsin's primary election could be held safely, later saying it shouldn't have been held. What are the chances the 2020 election is postponed?  Would a delay help Trump or Biden?  Should it be handled entirely by mail-in ballot?






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