Miller’s Mission: 10 Questions with Reverend Bill Roscoe
Today is the start of Miller's Mission our Spring Campaign to raise funds and awareness for the Boise Rescue Mission Ministries. Donate today at the Wal Mart Mart on Garrity and Franklin in Nampa. Kevin Miller will be collecting your donations till Saturday at 6pm.
Reverend Bill Roscoe, president and CEO of the Boise Rescue Mission joins us now for 10 Questions. Reverend Bill has been with the BRM for 15 years and over 25 years in rescue ministries.
1. What are are the needs of the Boise Rescue Mission Ministries this Summer?
Well Kevin, are immediate needs are: food, bottled water is a big deal in the Summer, sunscreen and Summer Clothing particularly for children all sizes.
2. What about money?
Kevin that's a good question, giving always declines in the Summer and the need is always there. It does now go down. In fact, we'll see more women and children in the Summer than anytime all year.
3. How many meals a day does the Boise Rescue Mission serve?
A thousand a day and that includes sack lunches for people who are working. Our kitchens are always busy.
4. How many children are in the Boise Rescue Mission Summer Program?
We have seventy five children preregistered and range in age from per-kindergarten to high school. We keep them from 8am till 4pm, so it's a full day for them. A little more in half live at the shelter. The others probably have been residents at City Light.
5. How many people in your ministry are working?
About forty seven percent of our folks are working. Jobs are plentiful. The challenge is that many of today's jobs are low wages. This does not stop our guests from working two or three jobs. They want to save enough money to be independent.
6. How many people have successfully left the mission last year to live in their own home?
Over five hundred people left the shelters to live in their own home again. That's amazing to me. It's been that number for five years. That's over twenty five hundred people that would've been homeless without the mission.
7. What type of Summer Programs does the Boise Rescue Mission offer for kids?
We have a variety of programs to meet the needs of the various age groups of children. The younger kids they go to the zoo, the Discovery Center, to the Firehouse, and other educational activities. The older kids may intern at the mission and we pay them. This teaches them responsibility and leadership.
8. Does the mission receive government funding?
The mission has not, will not, and never will take government money. All of our support comes from the generous support of people of the Treasure Valley.
9. Has the economy impacted giving towards the mission?
Yes, giving has been steady, but the most important thing is that our guests are finding jobs.
10. What's the future of the Boise Rescue Mission?
The future is to continue to serve the Treasure Valley and being alert to changes in our community and being that safety net.