Miller’s Mission: Thank You
Thanks to God's Blessing and your generosity, Treasure Valley Families will once again have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas. I want to personally thank everyone who joined us at our home away from home, the Nampa Wal Mart on Garrity and Franklin. Thank You to everyone who donated online, at another grocery, or Wal Mart.
Your gifts of clothes, cash, food, toys, and other items will help restore our fellow Idahoans as they seek to live the American Dream. Dave Ramsey likes to say life happens, he's right. However, your unconditional love continues to inspire the staff and residents of the Boise Rescue Mission. Please know that you've helped a family, a single mom, a veteran and others, get back on their feet.
With laughter and the Lord's love, we can conquer any secular challenge. It has been an honor to have thanked you for your care. I'm blessed to go to my home tonight. Because of you, thousands will be fed and they to will get to live in a home with food, love, and support.
God Bless