Monday 03/26/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. – Comedian and Suicide Prevention Expert Frank King. Frank and Kevin Miller agree to disagree on the students March for Life in the Treasure Valley and across the country. They do agree on raising awareness to prevent suicides in adults and children. Kevin Miller reports on the student march in Boise. Several folks call in to voice their opinions. Kevin Miller shares with the audience selected cuts from the Stormy Daniels interview from last night's episode of 60 Minutes. ; 7 a.m. – Longtime Boise financial planner and radio talk show host Dave Petso with his weekly market update. Dave Petso reviews the reasons why last week was such a bad week for stocks. Kevin Miller and Dave explain why the cost of gasoline continues to rise; 8 a.m. – Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Lars Larson joins Kevin to discuss weekend news events. Kevin Miller takes calls on school safety.
6 a.m.
7 a.m.
8 a.m.
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