Nampa Proudly Celebrates God and Country [photos]
A fantastic night celebrating God and Country took place in Nampa, Idaho. The 57th Annual Treasure Valley God and Country featured a night of song, prayers, and incredible fireworks. The event is the first big fireworks celebration kicking off the Independence Day Celebrations culminating with several July 4th parades and fireworks.
The evening began with Idahoans trekking into the Idaho Center Amphitheater, where they were entertained and informed by several vendors featuring food, business, and prayer. There were prayer tents where people were encouraged to stop by and pray for themselves, loved ones, God, country, or others in need.
The event contrasts what has been reported nationwide, where folks were running around without their clothes on. Everyone was wearing their clothes in Nampa on Wednesday night. The God and Country Festival was started by television star Chuck Connors of Rifleman Television. Mr. Connors believed American values of faith, family, and freedom must be protected and promoted through events.
Nampa continues that tradition by holding this annual event with a massive fireworks show sponsored this year by the city of Nampa.
The God and Country Festival drew Idahoans of all age groups, who had a great time enjoying the freedoms that America has given to all of us.
Amazing God and Country Photos 2023 Part 1
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God and Country Photos 2023 Part 3
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