Oprah’s Website Rates Idaho Festival One of 22 Best Fall Festivals in America
Most of the festivals that made the list involve pumpkins, apples or some sort of fair food, but the one Idaho festival that made this list really stands out among the rest!
There are few bigger honors in the world than to be recognized by any part empire that Oprah Winfrey built, so we were thrilled to see that her lifestyle website picked and Idaho festival for their annual list of the best fall festivals in America. Now, before you roll your eyes and start complaining about how being on these lists will only attract more growth to the Treasure Valley...exhale, it's not a Boise event.
It's the annual Trailing of the Sheep Festival in the Sun Valley/Ketchum/Hailey area and it checks in at #15 on the list! The main draw of the festival is watching hundreds of sheep relocate to their winter pasture and they walk right down Main Street throughout Ketchum.
During the festival, there are other sheep themed events happening throughout the region like tastings of lamb cuisine at restaurants throughout the Wood River Valley, classes teaching people to make everything from scarves to small stuffed animals from wool and sheepdog trials.
We're so excited to see one of the best fall festivals in the country return after a year off due to COVID-19. 2021 marks Trailing of the Sheep Festival's 25th Anniversary and they've added an extra day to the festivities. They'll kick off this year's event with a Farm to Table Dinner prepared with American lamb and local produce on Tuesday, October 5. The festival runs through Sunday, October 10.
That's when you can see the main event -The Big Sheep Parade! It'll take place on Sunday during the festival at 12 p.m.! If you're attending, please keep your dogs at home for the safety of the sheep and spectators.