Thursday 05/10/18 – Kevin Miller Show
St. Ignatius Catholic School in Meridian hosts Kevin’s show this morning as “Promote Our Schools – Secure Our Future” continues.. Kevin Miller begins the day by looking at the breaking news that the Americans have been released by the North Korean Government. The local/state elections continue to get a lot of phone calls from listeners voicing their opinions. Interviews with staff and students. Other guests: 6:35 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland has the latest on the confirmation hearings of Gina Haspel for the CIA Director’s job ; 7 a.m. – Nampa Mayor Debbie Kling explains the Nampa Sewer Initiative on the Primary ballot next Tuesday. Kevin Miller and Mayor Kling discuss the challenge of affordable housing in the Treasure Valley. ; 8 a.m. – Gubernatorial candidate Steve Pankey with a campaign update ; 8:35 a.m. – Candidate for Lt Gov, Janice McGeachin joins Kevin by phone. Kevin Miller reminds everyone that Miller's Mission begins May 21st-May 26th benefiting the Boise Rescue Mission.
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