Thursday 08/29/19 – Kevin Miller Show
Today's guests: 6 a.m. - Suicide prevention speaker Frank King with an update on his efforts to reduce suicide rates. Speaking of entertainers, Kevin Miller reports that a member of the 80s band Motley Crue has entered into the opioid debate. Kevin Miller shares the interview where Nikki Six Says Big Pharma Responsible for Opioid Crisis Nikki Sixx has identified the people responsible for the estimated 2.6 million U.S. citizens who are currently addicted to opioids: the country's major pharmaceutical companies. In an appearance on MSNBC, the former Motley Crue bassist said he believes most opioid addicts aren't directly to blame for their dependencies. "They were over prescribed by doctors and that was being supported by the pharmaceutical companies," he says. "Now what happens once we get them into treatment and then we re-enter them into society? Addiction is horrible, but suffering in silence is worse.” Sixx went on to say the only way to end the crisis is to nip the problem in the bud. "There are purposes for it, but if doctors are overprescribing and they just keep giving and giving and the pharmaceutical companies aren’t being honest about how addictive these pills are, this epidemic is just gonna keep getting worse and worse and worse," he says. Do you agree with Sixx? If the opioid crisis ends, will a new drug crisis just take its place? ; 7:35 a.m. - Fox News Radio's Eben Brown with the latest on Hurricane Dorian ; 8 a.m. - Phil Hardy from Strategies360 with a rare in-person political conversation with the host ; 8:35 a.m. - Fox News' Rachel Sutherland with breaking news on Mueller Report fallout.
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