Tommy’s Next Move
Recently, Western business developer Tommy Ahlquist joined Kevin Miller to discuss his latest plans, including his new podcast Inspire Excellence. The podcast features several prominent news-makers and influencers ranging from co- founder Ryan DeLuca, Idaho House Majority Leader Mike Moyle and House Minority Leader Matt Erpelding to Olympic Gold Medalist Kristin Armstrong to the founders of the Treefort Music Festival.
Ahlquist credited his new insight on how to improve the Treasure Valley and the entire state to his time running for governor. Specifically, he noted one of the biggest challenges is healthcare.
"People are passionate about the fact that they can't afford healthcare anymore. Do I think the government is going to solve it (healthcare concerns) over the next twenty years of my life?, " Ahlquist asked.
Ahlquist, a former emergency room physician believes that technology will make a difference in medical care. He believes patients will be empowered.
"With the private sector and with innovative technology we can disrupt healthcare and provide quality care at a lower cost that's transparent to people," he said. "Yes, we are going to do it (solve current healthcare issues in the next 20 years)."
The state of Idaho is one of the most desired locations the country for businesses looking to relocate.Tommy shared his personal interaction with business leaders who are moving here.
"I meet with these guys from Seattle and San Francisco that have fallen in love with Boise." Ahlquist stated. "The people here are so good and the work ethic is such that we're going to be bring these companies here and bring the talent to the Treasure Valley."
You can listen to the entire interview here.