Today’s guests:  6 a.m. – David Ray from the Federation for American Immigration Reform ( with an update on the border crisis. Kevin Miller and Mr. Ray discuss the national emergency at the Southern Border of the United States of America.  Mr. Ray shares the actual number of illegals coming into the country.  Kevin Miller looks at the costs of housing the immigrants coming to America.  He shares how local educational, medical, and law enforcement agencies are impacted by continues waves of migration.  They discuss why the Democrats continue to support a policy that the country cannot sustain.  Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners discussing the killing of the Hemp legislation in the Idaho Legislature.  He exclusively tells the KIDO Talk Radio audience that his is the beginning of the upcoming Idaho Marijuana Wars. ; 6:35 a.m. – Fox News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports on U.S. – Iran relations ; 7 a.m. – Jenny Beth Martin of the Tea Party Patriots looks ahead to April 15th to remind Americans why her group exists.  Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners who believe the state of Idaho should repeal the grocery tax.  Kevin Miller reviews the history of the Tea Party movement.  He takes calls from listeners responding to the Democrats attacking the United States Attorney General William Barr over the Mueller Report.   ; 8:35 a.m. – Fox News’ Jared Halpern reports the investigation into the DOJ might be getting underway.

6 a.m. 

7 a.m. 

8 a.m.

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