Tuesday 10/02/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Kevin Miller reports on the latest from the Treasure Valley, Idaho and the Washington DC. He reviews the new trade agreement between Canada, Mexico,and America. Kevin Miller reviews the latest from the Kavanaugh investigation and takes calls on the topic. Today's guests: 6:35am - Fox News Radio's Tonya J Powers reports on Net Neutrality ; 7 a.m. - Mark Meckler of Citizens for Self-Governance. Mr. Meckler's comments leads to several phone calls from people reacting to his thoughts on Idaho and a convention of states here. ; 7:35am - Fox News' Rachel Sutherland with the latest on the Kavanaugh vote ; 8 a.m. - NY Times best-selling author, terrorism expert and President of ACT for America, Brigitte Gabriel warns the Left continues it's war on the white male. Brigitte invites others to join her group and states that she would like to come back to Idaho. Kevin Miller continues the conversation taking calls on Kavanaugh, the convention of states and the war against men. Kevin Miller reminds listeners that KIDO Talk Radio will continue to cover the Kavanaugh hearings.
6 a.m.
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8 a.m.