Wednesday 06/06/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Kevin Miller begins the program reporting on today's top stories. He takes calls on the fallout between President Trump, the NFL, and the Philadelphia Eagles. Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners who support the president and criticized the NFL. Kevin Miller switches topics to focus on how EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt's visit to the state of Idaho was covered by the local media. Kevin Miller reports on last night's primaries across the country. Kevin Miller looks at the continued use of drones in the Treasure Valley. Today's guests: 7 a.m. – Mike Berry of First Liberty reviews the recent Supreme Court decision regarding a baker who refused to make a cake for a gay wedding on religious grounds ; 8 a.m. – Doug Giles of reviews President Trump’s first 500 days in office. Kevin Miller examines what it takes for local kids to succeed in today's educational environment. Several folks call in with their opinion on schools.
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