Why I’ll Miss The Upcoming Primary
We are less than two weeks away from the May 15th Idaho State Primary. The endless campaign will finally come to end for some and others will continue on until the general election in November. The popular sentiment from Gem State residents is that they're tired of the endless radio, TV, digital, and print ads. Idahoans are tired of hearing what a prospective office holder will do for them.
I disagree with their assessment. 2018 is the year where they're so much turnover that voters can make a difference. For the first time in years, Idaho will have a new governor, lieutenant governor, congressman, and several other executive and legislative offices.
The prospective office holders are listening. If you're tired of being ignored, higher taxes, insufficient transportation, and education, now is your time. The change in direction means that the old guard could be out.
If we don't vote and stay involved, we get the government we deserve. I'd rather have a plethora of ads and ideas instead of apathy. Which Idaho do you prefer?