Why Roy Moore Wins in Alabama
Despite the condemnations and the attacks on Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, he will become Alabama's next U.S. Senator. Here's why Moore beats Doug Jones for Jeff Sessions vacant Senate seat.
The national media had called for Moore to drop out of the race based on a Washington Post story alleging that the judge molested teenage girls when he was in his thirties. Moore has denied these allegations as false and claims that he is a target of the liberal media.
Washington Politicians, Republicans and Democrats, want Moore to leave. Their comments are echoed by the national media. Moore is guilty no matter what. The allegations are serious. However, they're over forty years old.
Moore maybe from Etowah County, Alabama with a population of just over 104,000 people, but he's been a national conservative figure for over twenty years. He's fought the state, the feds, and anyone else that questioned his right to hang the ten commandments in his courtroom.
The judge is a fighter and like Donald Trump, only get's stronger when he's attacked, primarily by the national liberal media. I know Judge Moore, I covered him while in Alabama for six years. When I first started broadcasting in the Yellowhammer State, I thought Moore didn't understand his politics or methods. In the end, just like now, it didn't matter what I thought, the judge reflects the views of his constituents in Alabama.
Alabama is perhaps the most socially conservative state in the nation. They like to make up their own choices as we saw in Moore's primary wins of Congressman Mo Brooks and Senator Luther Strange. It didn't matter that Strange was endorsed by President Trump or that he outspent Moore significantly.
People voted for Judge Moore and will do so again. Whether you agree with him or not, the people of Alabama will decide who their next Senator will be. Isn't that how our system is supposed to work? Just like innocent until proven guilty?