Idaho may be a small, remote state far off the beaten path of mainstream media attention. However, thanks to its limited government and traditional American values, the state benefits from an enormous amount of goodwill. The Gem State rarely dominates the international media attention unless it's about the state's housing market. 

A move by the Idaho House is causing the world's media to turn their praise and anger due to a vote. The vote wasn't involving a bill, but something called a memorial or a House Memorial.


Conservative Republican Representative Heather Scott introduced the Memorial. The Memorial petitions the United States Supreme Court to allow Idaho to define marriage as between a man and a woman.


The Supreme Court defined same-sex marriage as a Constitutional right in a narrow historic 5-4 decision. The House moved the Memorial onto the Senate passing it 46-24. Most political experts believe the Senate will vote in favor of it. It didn't take long for the world to react to Idaho's big move.    








10 Hottest Male Members Of Idaho's House Of Representatives

There are some beautiful people in politics. Always have been. Here in Idaho, that's no exception. Let's meet the 10 Hottest Male Members Of Idaho's House Of Representatives

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman

10 Hottest Female Members Of Idaho's House Of Representatives

Last week, we debuted the Hottest Male Members Of Idaho's House Of Representatives, congratulations to all who made the list. Now, it's Ladies Night. Allow me to introduce to you the Hottest Female Members Of Idaho's House Of Representatives. Hello, ladies!

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman

11 Ways To Totally Trigger Someone From Idaho And Really Set Them Off

If you want to anger someone from Idaho, here are some things you could say.

Gallery Credit: Cort Freeman

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