Friday 03/15/19 – Kevin Miller Show
Kevin broadcasts live from Columbia High School in Nampa. Interviews with staff and students to "Promote Our Schools - Secure Our Future". Kevin Miller reviews the latest national news and begins to take calls from Treasure Valley listeners. The first big topic is whether or not the state of Idaho is ready to pay for Medicaid expansion. The next topic was the announcement of Beto O'Rouke running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Kevin Miller looks at the proposal infrastructure expansions in the Treasure Valley. Chinden road's expansion will being in the year 2020. One of the state's most used roads will be widened to four lanes when the project is completed. Several folks call in to wonder how the state can keep up with the continued massive amount of people moving to Idaho.
Kevin Miller reviews the latest news from New Zealand where over 40 people have been killed by a lone gunman. Several folks around the world are blaming President Trump. Kevin Miller takes calls from several Treasure Valley listeners who express their concern for their safety.
The topic of whether or not residents should have the right to vote on big public works projects. Currently the city of Boise is looking to build a new library and a brand new downtown stadium. The Idaho Legislature is currently debating a bill that will give citizens the right to approve or disapprove tax payer funded big money projects.
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