Friday 09/28/18 – Kevin Miller Show
Kevin continues, "Promote Our Schools - Secure Our Future" today, broadcasting live from the campus of Mountain View High School in Meridian.. Interviews with staff and students.. Other guests report and discuss education and yesterday's testimony in the Senate Judiciary Committee: 6 a.m. - Cassie Smedile of the RNC ; 6:35am - Fox News Radio's Rachel Sutherland. Rachel tells Kevin Miller what to expect from the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today on whether or not Brett Kavanaugh confirmed and moved on to the full Senate for a vote.. ; 7 a.m. - Peter Murphy of Invest in Education Coalition ; 8 a.m. - Chris McKinley of INVICTVS LLC ; 8:35am - Fox News' Hollywood reporter Michelle Pollino. She and Kevin Miller preview the new movie 'Dark Phoenix.
Kevin Miller reviews the testimony from the Brett Kavanaugh hearing from Thursday. He shares several sound bites from both sides of the debate. He takes phone calls from a record number of Treasure Valley callers expressing their views on this powder keg topic.
6 a.m.
7 a.m.
8 a.m.