Idaho Attorney General Warns of ‘Court Scam’
The Idaho Attorney General's Office has issued a scam warning to all Idahoans receiving mail. The AG's Office is sending out a consumer warning in partnership with the Idaho Supreme Court.
The correspondence is still the most popular way to get our bills, magazines, and other items. Now it appears the scammers want to use your mail to take your money. Here's what to look out for, according to the attorney general and supreme court.
The attorney general's office described the scam in a recent news release. One Idaho resident recently reported receiving the advertisement in an envelope prominently labeled "ID-Ada County District Court," though it included a return address in Florida. The envelope indicates it is from a "Disbursement Department."
The advertisement inside includes a second reference to Ada County District Court and two images of the Idaho flag. The advertisement includes language indicating a future "monetary entitlement" has been flagged and that the recipient could be eligible for "thousands of dollars."
The mail is not coming from the state of Idaho. They are advertising. The advertisements are commercial solicitations from a for-profit company.
"If you ever have concerns about a mailing that appears to be from an Idaho court, please call your county clerk's office — they can confirm whether it is from the state courts or not," said Administrative Director of the Courts Sara Omundson.
Under Idaho law, it is unlawful for sellers to advertise using graphics, text, or styles that may mislead consumers into believing the ad comes from the government. Those found to violate the law could be subject to action by the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division. Here are links to what the letters look like. Click here and here.