Take A Stand Idaho Continues Pressure on lawmakers
The group Take a Stand continues to pressure lawmakers to reconvene over the employer-mandated vaccinations. The group announced last week that they would be polling Idahoans, both health care workers and non-healthcare workers, to find out the position on mandatory vaccines of an experimental drug.
"Unlike the many legislators who refuse to advocate for their constituents, Take a Stand Now works for the People. We are committed to supporting every employee who feels their rights have been trampled upon. We will continue to provide resources and aid to those affected by these overreaching mandates," said TASN spokesperson, Victoria Stump.
"We have created a poll to help us gauge interest in certain aspects of vaccine mandates. Please fill out this quick anonymous poll and let your voices be heard in Boise. You can use the QR code link to form below or you can find it on our Facebook page, Take a Stand Now. Please note that your information will remain private to the Take a Stand Now committee. We will not release it to any public or private entity," Stump added
The group launched its website and YouTube channel last week. You can go to see them here and here. Monday, a group of legislators will hold a press conference/gathering at the statehouse at noon discussing individuals' rights in the Gem State to say no employer-mandated vaccinations.
Saint Alphonsus, Saint Luke's, and Primary Care continue to stand by their decision to force their employees to be vaccinated by next month. We have learned that rallies/protests will continue this week. The first protest will be at the St. Luke's in Nampa from 5 PM - 7 PM.
If you're not familiar with the group. Here is their mission statement from their website.
Our mission is to Take a Stand Now against employers or any organization that wishes to impose overreaching mandates that compromises an individual's liberty over their bodily autonomy. We are ready to fight the battle against any coerced medical procedure.
We are a grassroots movement originally established by a group of healthcare workers in Idaho who sought to stop vaccine mandates imposed by their employers. We are committed to empowering individuals to stand and exercise their rights to individual autonomy and choice regarding their bodies, and personal medical decisions. We believe in freedom over force and that coercion is not consent.
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