Kevin Miller Show 1/15/20
Kevin Miller begins the show by looking at a few local issues that the Idaho Legislature is debating currently. He takes calls on the issues that people are talking about in the Treasure Valley. Kevin Miller looks at last night's Democratic Debate in Des Moines, Iowa. He moves to the subject of Elizabeth Warren. Senator Warren announces that she'll cancel student debt on her first day as president. If you are carrying a large amount of student debt, perhaps consider casting your vote for Elizabeth Warren this November. The Democrat presidential candidate announced Tuesday that she'd wipe out most federal student loan debt on her first day if sent to the White House. Writing for Medium, Warren also said she'd do it herself, adding, "We can't afford to wait for Congress to act." American students carry a total of $1.6 trillion in federal and private student loan debt, notes USA Today. Kevin Miller asks the following questions to the KIDO audience: What do you think of Warren's plan? Which candidate has the best plan to tackle the issue? Kevin Miller looks at a gun grabbing story out of Virginia. Don't come packing to next week's gun rights rally at Virginia's Capitol Square; it will be a gun-free zone. According to two state officials, Governor Ralph Northam is set to announce a temporary emergency measure on Wednesday afternoon that bans all weapons from the building grounds. Fearing a repeat of what happened in Charlottesville two years ago, the Democrat will also reveal that credible threats of potential violence and extremism have been made for Monday's event, says the source. Lawmakers already instituted a ban inside the Capitol and a legislative office building, but outside is under the executive's jurisdiction. What makes the most sense to protect everybody at this event?