Kevin Miller Show 2/21/20
Kevin Miller starts his broadcast from the Lee Pesky Learning Center. He interviews the staff and education experts from around the area. He looks at the candidacy of Big Mike. Mike Bloomberg has made billions from the company that bears his name. But he'd give it all up if elected president.Speaking to CNN's Christiane Amanpour on Tuesday, campaign adviser Tim O'Brien announced that the former New York City mayor would turn "180 degrees away" from where the current White House occupant is on the issue."There will be no confusion about any of his financial holdings blurring the line between public service and personal profiteering," declared O'Brien.In another departure, O'Brien says Bloomberg will release his tax returns if he wins this November. Kevin Miller asks the following questions: How do you think the US would fare under a Bloomberg administration? Is Bloomberg the real deal? Can the Libs trust him? How about Crazy Bernie? At 78-years-old and having suffered a heart attack on the campaign trail, some are concerned that Bernie Sanders might not be physically up for the demands of running the country. While the Vermont Senator and current Democrat frontrunner has released some of his medical records, that's all the public will see. When asked by Anderson Cooper at CNN's town hall on Tuesday night if more information would be coming, Sanders replied, "I don't think we will, no." Speaking to detractors, Sanders challenged, "If you think I'm not in good health come on out with me on the campaign trail and I'll let you introduce me to the three or four rallies a day that we do."