Kevin Miller begins the program by looking at the three big events coming up this week.  He reviews last night's Super Bowl game and the commercials.  Kevin Miller previews the Iowa Caucuses, the State of the Union, and the Impeachment acquittal.  If Joe Biden wins the White House, he could wind up being the fourth President in US history to be impeached, reveals one Senator.  Speaking to Bloomberg News on Sunday, Joni Ernst of Iowa said Republicans could go after the current Democrat front runner on his first day in office.  "I think this door of impeachable whatever has been opened," Ernst claimed, noting that GOPers would use the former Vice President's dealings with Ukraine as grounds.  During his stump speeches ahead of this week's caucus, Biden told supporters that Ernst had "spilled the beans" on his opponents' plans.  Kevin Miller asks the following questions:  Would the possibility of a Biden impeachment change your mind on who to vote for in the primary?  Several folks call in to share their thoughts on today's Iowa Caucuses.  Dave Petso joins Kevin Miller to look at the economic impact of the Super Bowl.  Kevin is joined by Lars Larson who previews the upcoming week in politics.  Kevin Miller takes calls and shares Sean Hannity's exclusive interview with President Trump that aired before the Super Bowl on Fox Television.





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