Kevin Miller begins the show by updating the audience on the latest concerning the Iranian Showdown.  He reports what the president has said and the reaction from the Middle East.  Kevin Miller takes calls from listeners who both want to take down the Iranian Regime and others who want America to avoid another war.

Kevin Miller describes a new program brought to you by Amazon's Alexa.   What can't Alexa do?  She can play music, dim the lights and even tell you when it's time to wake up and now she is about to take your political donations. Amazon has announced it will make presidential campaign contributions on your behalf starting next month by simply telling Alexa which candidate you want and how much to donate. It can be anywhere from $5 to $200 and the money will be taken from the default payment linked to your account.  Kevin Miller asks the following questions:   Will you use Alexa to donate to campaigns?  What are your concerns about this service?  Will it favor one political party over another?  Companies can sign up on Alexa Political Contributions, do you see any unfair advantages to campaigns here?   Kevin Miller tackles the problem of growth in the Treasure Valley.  Several people from across the Treasure Valley call in to say they believe it's time to stop the valley from growing.





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