Kevin Miller Wednesday Morning
Kevin Miller takes calls on the 61 Million Dollar boondoggle involving the state's internet system.
Kevin Miller interviews Senator Mike Crapo from Washington DC. Senator Crapo reviews the week in Congress. Kevin Miller and the senator discuss the situation in Afghanistan, the budget, and the 2016 presidential race.
Kevin Miller gets the latest on the Senator Ted Cruz campaign for president from Jared Halpern of Fox News Radio.
Kevin Miller looks at a bill that would require food producers to identify foods that have been genetically altered.
Kevin Miller speaks with John Sheldon, President of Valley Racing. Mr. Sheldon urges members of the House not to pass a bill that would abolish tradition gaming machines. Mr. Sheldon tells Kevin Miller that Les Bois Racetrack will close if the bill passes. The impact will cost the area hundreds of jobs.
Kevin Miller is joined by Eben Brown of Fox News Radio. Mr. Brown reports on the fundraising efforts of Jeb Bush.
Kevin Miller reports on the 61 Million Dollar boondoggle involving the Idaho Department of Education.
Kevin Miller interviews Alan L. Morton, attorney at law on airline safety. Mr. Morton details his experience working with international, federal, state, and local officials investigating airplane crashes. He reports on how safe airline travel is currently and reveals the passenger's bill of rights.
Kevin Miller and Dave discuss the latest concerning the Airbus crash. Kevin Miller shares stories of being a fatty on airplanes. Kevin Miller and Dave look at the Utah Jazz buying the Idaho Stampede.
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